Saturday, January 23, 2010

First Blog Post

I had been thinking about starting a blog, but couldn't really find a solid justification in doing so. I mean, what do I have to say that would be of any remote interest to anyone? I'm just Allyson (Ally, Al, or AJ to some), nothing special, nothing fancy over here.

So I put it on the back burner. And then I thought about the lack of time that I seem to have these days... running after a two-year-old and teaching, when could I possibly find the time to sit down and type something? So today, I stopped over-analyzing, stopped straddling the fence and decided, why the heck not?

Who knows, maybe at some point, I might say something profound, something worth sharing and someone could read it and then say something like "Wow. She's got something about her. I wonder what else she has to say. She's really touched me. Amazing." (Ha. Yeah, I agree. Not very likely.)

And I guess if you talk to my family and friends, I'm more than just Allyson. I'm a mother, daughter, sister and friend.

So here it is, Bird's Eye...err...Bond's Eye View. Take it for what it's worth. It was free. LOL.

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