Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Weight Loss Battle

I'm losing the battle to lose weight. My weight, while it has not gone up, it is not going down. I know exactly what it takes for me to lose the weight: exercising and dieting, but it's becoming evident that this is much harder for me to shed these pounds. It's also hard for me to face the reality that it's going to take me at least a year to get down to the weight I want. As much as I want to lose weight quickly, I know it's not healthy.

It's discouraging, but I'm not going to give up. I'm going to have to work all that much harder to just lose the little bit of weight I plan to lose each week.

I need an accountability/workout buddy. I get frustrated too easily and instead of completing my exercise program, I quit and then get mad. I need outside motivation because it's apparent in my lack of progress that doing this on my own IS NOT WORKING!